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It seems like we spend much of our lives transitioning: one job to another, one phase of life to another, one type of refrigerator to...

Singing in the Hallway
Recently, I was sitting in the waiting room of a local lab waiting my turn for a blood draw, number 36 in a room full of people waiting...

I was driving on the service drive today and happened to glance up at the sky. Smudged on a deep blue backdrop, the clouds appeared as if...

Forever Home
I have two puppies (1.5 years old, different litters). Both adopted, and we are their “forever home.” Since birth, they have been moved...

Closed and Open Jet Shades
No landscape. No caricature of faces in wheat fields. No elevated snow caps like glistening sprinkles on neapolitan ice cream, lavender...

Tears of God
When we spend focused, quality time with others, something quite miraculous can happen to us. We enter their world, not by choice, but...

I am sitting in our sunroom surrounded by sunshine and shadows commingling as morning edges toward noon. The sky is Monet-like: a shade...

Depression & Relapse
Depression is a dark and cloudy cell. I almost called it a cage, but a cage lets the light in. The cell, if one is lucky (or unlucky)...

Many years ago, I joined a lively group of women with which I had a joyful history, and we decided to go tubing down the Platte River in...

Purposeful Disappointments
We were excited to be going to Seattle to visit our family who lives out there. Suitcases were packed--the best I had ever organized...
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