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What is 

Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction is a ministry of listening, discernment, and prayer in a confidential setting of encouragement and compassion. It is a process that allows us to become aware of the many ways God reaches out to us in our daily lives with a still, small voice. A spiritual director helps us learn how to slow down, listen and more clearly articulate our experience with God.


What can you expect from Spiritual Direction?



  • A confidential atmosphere in a non-judgemental safe place in which to share your experience of God

  • The opportunity to revitalize your relationship with God

  • A consistent development of prayer practices for life

  • A director who has been trained and commissioned in spiritual direction


How does Spiritual Direction Differ from Counseling?


In counseling or psychotherapy, the focus is on emotional or behavioral healing. The spiritual aspect of a person’s life may also be part of that process. In spiritual direction, the focus is developing a closer relationship with God which will enable you to live a more vibrant, freer life.


You might seek spiritual direction:

•If you are experiencing a new sense of God in your life
•If you are feeling distant from God
•If you are facing an important decision or transition
•If you are dealing with loss of any kind
•If you have a hunger and yearning for more of God’s presence in your life



Individual Spiritual Direction


Individual Spiritual Direction is a one-on-one conversation with a spiritual director every two to four weeks.


Fees for individual spiritual direction are usually $60 per hour. Pat is located in Southeastern Michigan, and sessions can be done virtually or in-person if you live locally.


If you are interested in Spiritual Direction...


Please fill out the form provided.  Your first get acquainted session will be free. You can then decide if spiritual direction with Pat is right for you. 

Thank-you for your message

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